Moodle focused professional development

I was recently asked whether or not Moodle should be a main topic in training our teachers and administrators in online learning.  Here is my response:

Moodle is a vehicle, a tool and/or container for online learning. There is no doubt in my mind as online learning or hybrid courses expand in our schools, that  teachers are going to need a session on tips and tricks in Moodle.  However,  what I see as a bigger need, is continuous sessions on how effectively utilize online learning to support and meet the diverse needs of our learners. Moodle is not the cure-all, and should not be the only tool considered in an storm of new tools and enhancements. A two hour session is great for our teachers who are hand-holding, hands-on learners. HOWEVER, more importantly… we will need to develop networks of learning to support this endeavor when teachers need it  – by teachers who use it… not when WE decide to schedule it. Online professional development, just as online learning for students, will be driven by the needs of each individual teacher.

As for the administrative training…that is a different beast. Many administrators, do not understand the benefits of online learning and have not “bought in” to its effectiveness. Many of them haven’t even taken an online course and now are the key decision makers in the policy and procedure of online learning? That is ludicrous. If you think of the journey to is supported by years of classroom experience, followed by some administrative theory and practice. This a whole new landscape!!! Should Moodle be the focus of this training? I say no. Can it be embedded? Of course. Our administrators should be encouraged to take online training, participate in the learning communities right along with our teachers.  Actually, I take that last statement back.. Why do we have to encourage this learning? Shouldn’t they WANT to do this for the benefits of our schools?

  1. Jen,

    Great post. Like you, I support “just-in-time” PD, and online PD using Moodle is a great tool enabling teachers to learn 24/7.

    My district curriculum director “approved” an online FlipVideo PD, but still required teachers to do 2 hours of seat time in the computer lab.

    Maybe my district will escape 1990 as our colleges look elsewhere to award academic scholarships.

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