Over the next couple of weeks our leadership team is leaving room on our weekly agenda to discuss DIY PD with twitter as well as sharing our district’s story using social media. What is our brand? Who is telling our story? How does social media impact our story? What does my digital footprint say about me as a professional?
To start, I sent a short google form and asked team members to share their professional interests and current twitter use. I took the time and selected hashtags that would be relevant to them. As for their Twitter use (below) I could care less if someone is a beginner… this isn’t an evaluative question – this is a question to guide learning. My goal – to get all of our team at a level 3.
1 – Beginner – I am fairly new to twitter and I may know some features, but not all features. It still is a little bit of a mystery to me.
2 – Developing – I know the basics of twitter. I can follow, retweet, tweet, reply, send pictures. Hashtags may still be a little of a mystery to me. I understand there is potential to support my growth – I am just not sure I am there yet.
3 – Proficient – I have a personal learning network that is tailored to my needs. I not only listen and learn, but contribute back to my network. I use twitter on a regular basis to support my growth and use it to showcase the passions and talents of others.
4 – Innovating – I can provide PD around Twitter. Twitter is just part of my DNA
Brad Gustafson’s post “For the Kids” is an excellent way to start a social media conversation as well as taking some time observing his school’s #GWGREATS hashtag. On a personal note, I love LOVE learning about all of the great things our teachers and more importantly students are learning about. I think its our important for our community as well. While we do have a successful facebook page – it is manned by a few. Twitter and hashtags can allow anyone to contribute!
Here are just a few guiding questions (and a few of my thoughts) to start your conversation with instructional leaders:
- How do you personalize your learning ? When one properly creates their personal learning network (PLN), learning can happen when and where you need it. Twitter has become the most positive PLC anyone could ever ask for. I have been fortunate to connect with others (tweeps) to learn personally/professionally but more importantly to create opportunities for our staff and students to learn. This takes time – but so so worth it!
- Who will model good use? Whether you like it or not kids, as early as 9 or 10, are signing up for social media accounts. Who do they look for? People they know. I would much rather have my child follow a teacher/admin who models and is developing a good digital footprint than some of the pop who has little or no moral intentions. And even if they do follow those pop stars (you know they will) we can provide opportunities to model good use of technology.
- Who is telling our story? Branding (AKA TELLING OUR STORY) our schools is a great way to share with our community about how we learn, share, innovate, and inspire our staff and kids. Its a great way to cross-pollinate ideas from classroom to classroom, building to building or district to district. I also find it great to keep up to date. Just this past weekend I was watching our #cybears hashtag to keep track of the progress of our robotics team! We have a great facebook page – however it is only managed by a few. Using twitter and a hashtag – allows anyone to contribute to our story – including students.
- How do we continue to seek talented staff? How do we attract families to our community? As more and more people use social media to interact or learn – they also will use it to shop for jobs and schools. We want families to seek Byron as a great place to educate their kids. We want talented staff in our district. Our schools footprint should be transparent and show why Byron is a great place to work and learn! For school leaders…. our personal profiles should indicate we are great people to work for/with.
Here is an agenda I used the other day. Feel free to tweak and use with your own teams. If you have other ideas -share them out!