Here is an email I wrote to staff today about something I saw at our Ties 2015 Conference. After I did it, I felt it was a good artifact to post on my blog too! How do you share what you are learning? In doing this again, I probably wont write what I learned in an email – and instead write and direct them to my blog. No need to copy/paste then and I know our email boxes are inundated with tons of things. But, I also want to use email to spark interest from those who might not usually click that next link. 🙂
Warning – I was blown away when seeing this. Wanted to give you an opportunity to see what is “out there”. Feel free to ignore from this point on if your not interested!
Ok – I may have sparked some curiosity. Good!
I wanted to share one of my learning experiences from the TIES conference around 3D printing this past weekend.
I took this video in one of my Makerspace sessions. It is a scanner, attached to an IPad that will make help make things we see into 3D objects. Its short and sweet – but you can see how easy it is.
Below is the replica of what Tami (@brasst) created this morning. While this is cool….it even gets more awesome – so keep reading after the picture!
So why does this matter?
As we think of engineering opportunities for kids to re-engineer objects we use every day is amazing. I also learned from our keynote presenter Sylvia Martinez (@smartinez) that museums, across the globe, are doing 3D scans of their artifacts – so schools could literally download and print a bone from a tyrannosaurus rex, or download and print the primitive tools created by Neanderthals, or sculptures carved by Michalengeo, You can also “print” and blow up micro tiny things – like molecules. Talk about hands on access to primary materials!
But what is even more heart felt is opportunities for people to print Prosthetics for those who have lost a limb, an arm, ect. tag/3d-printed-prosthetics/ for a much reduced cost.
Check out this ted talk describing the project!
So there you have it! I wanted to share one of my earning experience with you!
Just to let you know we ARE exploring 3D printers right now as we begin to design our MakerSpace space type concepts in each of our buildings.